IPOD CLASSIC LINE OUT (7th gen) vs IPOD VIDEO LINE OUT (5.5gen) IPOD CLASSIC LINE OUT (7th gen) vs IPOD VIDEO LINE OUT (5.5gen) Subscribe Search This Thread Poll Results: IPOD CLASSIC LINE OUT (7th gen) vs IPOD VIDEO LINE OUT (5.5 gen) ???? 33% (2) PREFER IPOD CLASSIC LINE OUT 33% (2) 6 Total 1 ...
iPod classic 1.1 line out voltage bug reported | iLounge News iLounge news discussing iPod classic 1.1 line out voltage bug reported. Find more iPod news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site. ... 9 It’s a bit of a cheek asking readers to submit items of interest when this topic has been raging on you
出售 Apple ipod classic line out 過機線 $50 - DCFever.com Apple ipod classic line out 過機線 $50 Item 1)$50 Item 2)$100 兩組都是2-3年內x軒買的, 閒置就出售予合用師兄 不合完美主義者, 交收時可試詳細工能, 絕不接受臨場壓價 二手大哥/大佬請高抬貴手 -可獨立出售 -私保3天 -巳放極平,議價不考慮,為大家 ...
Quality: iPod Classic line out vs. Squeezebox vs. CD player - Hydrogenaudio Forums Be advised that the original Apple iPod dock will use the headphone output (the ipod's volume control actually works) instead of the line out if you plug in a 6th-generation iPod classic and connect it to an amp or receiver. Because the iPod's headphone o
iPod/iPhone Dock/轉接頭/轉接線Lineout線性輸出音質測評報告 2011年12月3日 - 不過,iPod Classic的驅動力確實不夠好,但它的Dock接口可以引出Lineout線性輸出,這樣,我們的問題和今天的主題同時出現了。通過Dock引出 ...
iPod/iPhone Dock/转接头/转接线Lineout线性输出音质测评报告 2011年12月3日 - 不过,iPod Classic的驱动力确实不够好,但它的Dock接口可以引出Lineout线性输出,这样,我们的问题和今天的主题同时出现了。通过Dock引出 ...
iPod Classic Sound Quality Differences - YouTube Talking about iPod Classic Sound Quality Differences. ... If you use a line out doc to connect to an amp, you ...
iPod Classic和iPhone4,专业音质对比! - 苹果iPod - iMP3随身影音- 2011年7月16日 - 先来说一下iPod Classic耳机接口和Dock Line out接口的区别,耳机接口出来的音质稍微好一些,就只是一些,听感上的区别并不明显,耳机接口低频 ...